Monday, February 16, 2009

Lord Vishnu's Love Handles: A Spy Novel (sort of)

Author: Will Clarke Publication Date: 2005 Category: Humour Who'll want to read it? Anyone with a sense of humour and sense of the absurd. Point of no return: I rather liked the title to begin with, but page 1 definitely dragged me in. Classic line: "A therapist once told me I might be crazy. Well, he didn't exactly say that, but I knew what he meant. That's when I stopped talking about what "I know". And I stopped seeing that asshole. Now, I keep what goes on inside my head in my head." Pg 4 What's it all about? Dallas yuppie Travis Anderson thinks he's psychic, but is he? The resulting pages are hilarious as Travis's upper-middle-class lifestyle crumbles around him. It's a fast paced 'spy novel, sort of' in which the IRS, the CIA, Lord Vishnu and Disneyland bring the whole story to a sort of happy ending. Publisher: Simon & Schuster

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